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Psalm 1

1. Two paths has the Lord set before us
To lead till the end of our day
One with his laws for our guidance
The other to do as we may.

2. My friend if you want to be happy
and to have all your needs be fulfilled
don’t take your advice from the lawless
from those who in evil are skilled.

Don’t follow their ways, and don’t linger,
with murderers, liars, and thieves,
lest you lose your hatred of evil,
and the goodness inside of you leaves.

Instead be happy with kindness,
understand what is good and is right
measure all of your acts with this yardstick
and hold fast to this truth day and night.

3. For then your life will be blessed
nothing you need will you lack,
all that you touch will be fruitful,
and God will cover your back.

4. But the lawless ones won’t have this blessing,
when the wind blows they’ll scatter like dust
for inside they are hollow…no substance,
and will crumble as surely they must.

5, 6. But you will have chosen salvation
from our God who will judge on that day,
while they will have chosen perdition
when the law they chose not to obey.